الرئيسية / Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Yehia Tawfik El-Rakhawy

Professor of Psychiatry

Kasr El-Aini Faculty  of Medicine

Cairo University

Curriculum Vitae

Rakhawy Hospital (Dar El-Mokattum for Mental Health): St. 9 from St. 10 – El-Mokattum City – Cairo.

 Landline: (+202) 19369

Mobile: (+20) 1211113073

 FAX : (+202) 25081877

Clinic.:47 Falaki st. Bab El-Luq, Cairo.

Landline: (+202) 27944844

Website: www.rakhawy.org


Name         :  Yehia Tawfik El – Rakhawy

Birth Date   : November 1.1933

Birth Place  : Cairo, Egypt

Nationality  : Egyptian

Married   : Fawzia Ibraheem Dawoud (Psychologist)


Mohammed, born on February 9, 1962.

Mona, born on November 26, 1963.

May, born on September 14, 1965.

Moustafa, born on  August 7. 1967.


Secondary: Heliopolis Secondary School, Cairo, Egypt.

College: M.B.B.Ch., Kasr El-Aini School of Medicine, Cairo University, 1957.


 in the Department of Prof. P. Pichot.


 Diploma in Internal Medicine, Kasr El-Aini School of  Medicine, Cairo University, 1959.

Diploma in Psychological Medicine and Neurology, Kasr El-Aini School of  Medicine, Cairo University, 1961.

M.D. Psychiatry, Kasr El-Aini School of  Medicine, Cairo University, 1963.

Scientific mission: October 1968 – November 1969. Faculty of Medicine, Paris University: Sainte Anne Hospital[*]. Mainly in the Department of Prof. P. Pichot.


Arabic          : Excellent.

English         : Very good.

French          : Good.

HOBBIES (and SPORTS)[†]: Squash, Jogging, Brisk walking,  Out door Camping and Long roving.


1-Professor of Psychiatry: Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University (1974 – ).

2- Professor in Psychopathology and Psychotherapy unit.

3-Senior Consultant Psychiatrist: Dar El – Mokattam Hospital for Mental Health, Cairo, Egypt ( 1973 – ).


Member of Egyptian Association of Mental Health (1960).

Foundation member of Royal College of Psychiatrists  (1972-)

President of the Association of Evolutionary Psychiatry and Group Work. (January, 1978 – )

Associate Editor of the Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry (December,1978 – ). [Published by: The Egyptian Psychiatric Association]

Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of “Man and Evolution”  (January, 1980-). [The Official Journal of: the Association of Evolutionary Psychiatry and Group Work.]

Member of the Medicolegal Consultant for Egyptian and Arab Courts (Sudan 1980, Saudi Arabia 1980 &1981)

Member of the High Committee for Supervision and Control of Artistic Works (1986 – )

Member of the  National Higher Committee of Pharmacological Drugs (1986 – )

Member of the Literary & Writers Federation (1987 – )

Editor Consultant for the Higher Committee of Publishing of the General Egyptian Book Organization (1989.)

Member of the Permanent Committee of Assessment of Legibility for the degree of Professorship in Internal Medicine Specialities [all over Egyptian Univerisities] (October1989 – 1995)

Member of Executive Board of The Egyptian Psychiatric Association (January,1990 – )

Associate Editor of the Arab Journal of Psychiatry. (May, 1990 – ). [Published by:  The Arab Federation of Psychiatrists]

Member of Board of Control  for Supervising Mental  Hospitals (1993-        ).

Member of the Executive Committee of the Arab Board of Medical Specialities = Psychiatry & Secretory General of Examination Board 1993-1998.

Member of the scientific culture committee of the high instituted of  culture – Egypt (1993-

Member of the Committee of Psychology and Education in the High Instituted of Cculture – Egypt.

Chairman of Scientific Organization of National Research on Addiction (use, Abuse, Dependency and Addiction) in Egypt (1995-).

Editor – in – chief of the “Addiction Bulletin”  published by the Association of Evolutionary psychiatry and Group Work.



Intern : Cairo University Hospitals, 1957 – 1958.

Resident of Psychiatry : Cairo University Hospitals, 1958 – 1961.

Tutor of Psychiatry : Cairo University Hospitals, 1962 – 1965.

Lecturer of Psychiatry : Cairo University Hospitals, 1965 – 1969.

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry : Cairo University, 1969 – 1974.

Visiting Professor Shahar Mental Hospital, El-Taief, Saudi Arabia, 1980 – 1981 (In the program arranged by WHO then).

Head of the Scientific Committee of the Egyptian PsychiatricAssociatio (October,1991-October1992)

Executive Member of the Egyptian Association of Literary Criticism (1990 -1991 ).

Head of Psychiatric Department Kasr El-Eini Faculty of Medicine Cairo University 1990-1994.

Assigned Lecturer and examiner of post graduat degree in the  speciality:

1-El-Mansoura University, Faculty of Medicine (1962- 1972)

2-Ain-Shams University, Faculty of Arts: [Psychological Medicine and Physiological Psychology for Psychologists]  (1972 – 1977)

3-Nursing schools and the High Institute of Nursing, Cairo University: (More or less part of the official duties all through).

4-National Center of Judicial Researches: Medicolegal Psychiatry

a-Representatives of the Prosecution : 1982 – 1988.

b-Military Majistrates: 1987-1989.

c- Medicolegal Parctitioners : 1986-1988.

5- Member of the Permanent Committee of Assessment of Legibility for the degree of Professorship in Internal Medicine Specialities [all over Egyptian Univerisities] ( 1982-1989) (1990-2004).

6-Chair of Examination committee of Arab Board of Psychiatry (1990-1998).

7- Member of Scientific Culuture Community (High Institute of litter Egypt. 1992-).


A-  Published Books :

1-Shaheen, O., Rakhawy, Y. T. (three editions 1962, 1965 and  1977) Basics of Psychiatric Disorders.  Cairo: El-Nasr Modern Book-Shop, (468 pages, third edition). [in Arabic]

2- Shaheen, O., Rakhawy, Y. T.(1965) Psychology in Medical Practice. Cairo: El-Nasr Modern Book-Shop, (222 pages).

3- Shaheen, O., Rakhawy, Y. T. (1968) Psychology Under Microscope. Cairo: El-Nasr Modern Book – Shop, (325 pages).[in Arabic]

4- Shaheen, O., Rakhawy, Y. T.(1971) A.B.C. of Psychiatry.  Cairo: El-Nasr Modern Book – Shop, (317 pages).

5- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1972) Psychiatry and Our Daily Life. Cairo: Dar El-Ghad for Culture and Publishing, (198 pages).[in Arabic]

6- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1972) A  Psychiatrist’s Dilemma.  Cairo: Dar El-Ghad for Culture and Publishing, (231 pages).[in Arabic]

7- Rakhawy, Y. T.(1972) When Man Uncovers (Portraits Out of Psychiatric  Clinic).  Cairo: Dar El-Ghad for Culture and Publishing, (2nd ed.,1979 : 272 pages).[in Arabic]

8- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1977) “Passing into Fire”  (Two  Volumes) , Vol.I: The Dooms-day (261 pages).Vol. II: The School of Nudes (404 pages). Cairo: Dar El Ghad for Culture and publishing.[in Arabic] .Winner of the State Prize of Literature for Novels (1980).The prize was also associated with holding the Order of State for Science and Arts Grade II.

9- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1978) An Introduction to Group Psychotherapy : [Search in Life and Psyche.] (Existential Impasse in Group Therapy Setting) Cairo:Dar El-Ghad for Culture and Publishing, (302 pages).[in Arabic]

10- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1978) The Secret of the Game. Cairo: Dar El-Ghad for Culture and Publishing,  (Arabic Poetry in Psychopathology) (134 pages).

11- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1978) The  Profoundness of the Self. (Arabic Poetry  with Critics Interpretation in the Light of Psychiatric Experience)  Cairo: Dar El-Ghad for Culture and Publishing, (495 pages).

12-Rakhawy, Y. T. (1979) A Study in Psychopathology  (Comprehensive interperation of The Secret of the Game).Cairo: Dar-Atwa for Printing, (947 pages). [in Arabic]

  The author considers this work as his central original theorization in psychiatry and psychopathology.

 13- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1980) The Wisdom of Mads : Missiles out of a Psychiatric Clinic. Cairo: Dar-Atwa for Printing, (191 pages). [in Arabic]

14- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1980) Intelligent Student Guide in Psychology and Psychiatry :  Vol. 1.Psychology. (Series).  Cairo: Dar-Atwa for Printing, (309 pages).[in Arabic]

15- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1980) Intelligent Student Guide in Psychology and Psychiatry:  Vol. 2. Dialogue on Nature: Classification and Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders. (Series). Cairo:  Dar-Atwa for Printing, (98 pages).[in Arabic]

16- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1982) Intelligent Student Guide in Psychology and Psychiatry:  Vol. 3.Ten Lectures on Man and Medicine. (Series).  Cairo: Dar-Atwa for Printing, (93 pages).[in Arabic]

17- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1982) Chats and Speculations About Kasr-El-Aini. Cairo: Dar-Atwa for Printing, (117 pages).[in Arabic]

18- Rakhawy, Y. T.(1983) The Glass House and the Snake. Cairo: Evolutionary Psychiatry Association, (87 pages).[Arabic Poetry]

19- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1987)  Arabic Language and Contemporary Psychological Sciences.  Cairo: Evolutionary Psychiatry Association, (48 pages).[in Arabic]

20- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1989)  Evolutionary Rhythmic Theory  and Basics of  Psychology .  Cairo.

   [Including the Basic Overall outline of  the psychobiological evolutionary theory put byتthe author] (61 pages).

21- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1989)  Basic Concepts of Psychiatry .

 [an Egyptian point of view including the main lines and innovations out from clinical practice]. Cairo. (147 pages)

22- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1990) Psychiatry  for Practitioners. Cairo: Evolutionary Psychiatry Association. (66 pages).

23- Rakhawy, Y. T.(1990) People and the Road   [An Integrated Autobiography and Journey  Literature]. Cairo : Evolutionary Psychiatry Association.

24- Rakhawy, Y. T.(1990) Readings in N. Mahfouz. Cairo : The General Egyptian Book Organization (192 pages).

25- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1992)Proverb and Mawal Reading in human Psyich  Dar El-Hilal Publishers (321 pages).

26- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1997) Reconsideration of Languages of knowledge. Cairo, Dar El Maaref (126P).

B-Papers Published in English

1- Askar, A.M, Shaheen, O. and Rakhawy, Y. T. (1960) Modified Insulin Thearpy in Out – Patient Practice. Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association,  43, 12 .

2- Shaheen, O., El – Komey, M.and Rakhawy, Y. T.  (1963) The 17 – Ketosteroids Level in Lichen Planus. E.J. Neurol., Psychiat. & Neurosurg, 4, 143.

3- Askar, A.M., Rakhawy, Y. T., Shaheen, O. (1964) Effect of Hypothermia by Intragastric Cooling of Psychiatric Patients.  E.J. Neurol., Psychiat. & Neurosurg,  5,  245.

4- Askar, A.M, Rakhawy, Y. T.,  Shaheen, O. and Gawad, M.S. (1964) The Assessment of the Provocative Effect of Methamphetamine as Compared with Placebo by the use of the MMPI.  E.J. Neurol., Psychiat. & Neurosurg, . 5,  259.

5- Askar, A.M.,Rakhawy, Y. T., Shaheen, O. and Gawad, M.S. (1964) The Use of MMPI in Estimating the Provocative Effect of Methamphetamine in Schizophrenia. E.J. Neurol., Psychiat. & Neurosurg, 5, 79.

6- Askar, A.M.,Rakhawy, Y. T., Shaheen, O. and Gawad, M.S. (1964, 65) The Use of MMPI in Estimating the Provocative Effect of Methamphetamine in States of Depression.  E.J. Neurol., Psychiat. & Neurosurg, 5 , 89.

7- Askar, A.M., Rakhawy, Y. T., Shaheen, O. and Gawad, M.S.(1964) The Use of MMPI in Estimating the Provocative Effect of Methamephetamine in Cases of Anxiety and Depression.  E.J. Neurol., Psychiat.&Neurosurg,  5, 97.

8- Shaheen, O., Rakhawy, Y.T.&Taher, Y. (1964)Lidepran in Out- Patient Psychiatric Practice. E.J. Neurol., Psychiat.& Neursurg, 5, 115.

9- El-Mofty, A.M., Shaheen, O. and Rakhawy, Y.T. (1964) Alopecia Areata: a Psychosomatic Disorder. Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association, 47, 11/12 .

10- Askar, A.M., Shaheen, O.and  Rakhawy, Y.T. (1966) The Effect of Thiopentone on the Water Secretion Test. Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association, 49, 1.

11-Rakhawy,Y.T. Shaheen,O.and Gawad, M.S. (1969) Assessment of Behavioural Effect of Drug Thearpy by the Use of Personality Testing. Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association,  52, 11 / 12 .

12- Shaheen, O., El. Rifai, M. and  Rakhawy, Y.T. (1971) Emotional Aetiological Factors In Primary Glucoma. Egyptian Journal of Mental Health, . 12, 7.

13- Shaheen, O., El-Rifai, M.and Rakhawy, Y.T.  (1971) Mental Symptoms Presenting In Primary Glucoma.  Egyptian Journal of Mental Health,12, 7

14- Shaheen, O., El – Rifai, M. and  Rakhawy, Y.T. (1971) The Family of the Primary Glaucoma Patient.  Egyptian Journal of Mental Health,  12, 7 .

15- Rakhawy, Y.T., Shaheen, O. Soliman, R. (1971) Sick Absence as an Index of Mental Health in an Industrial Society in U.A.R.  Egyptian Journal of Mental Health,  12, 7.

16-  Rakhawy, Y.T., Shaheen, O. Soliman, R. (1971) Sick Absence as an Optional Phenomenon.  Egyptian Journal of Mental Health,  12,7.

17- Shaheen, O., Rakhawy, Y.T. and Erfan, M. (1972) Psychiatric Experience in 1967 Israel Aggression. Egyptian Journal of Mental Health, 13, 7 .

18- Shaheen, O., Rakhawy, Y.T., Erfan, M. and Abdel-Rahaman, S.A. (1972) ‘Neurotic Triad’ Scales on the MMPI. in Hypochondrical Patients.  Egyptian Journal of Mental Health,  13, 7.

19- Askar, A., Shaheen, O., Gawad, M. S., Rakhawy, Y.T. and El-Sherif, A. (1972) Graphic Characters of Some Psychiatric Patients.  Egyptian Journal of Mental Health, 13, 7.

20- Rakhawy, Y.T., Amin, Yousria, Mahfouz, R., Hamdi, E., Fawzy, A.R. (1978) The Problem of Typifying of Schizophrenia Guided  by the Egyptian Diagnostic Manual (DMP-I) . Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 1: 24 – 37.

21- Rakhawy, Y.T., Shaalan, M., Gawad, M. S. and Loutfy, Z. (1978) Experiences with Group Psychotherapy in the Egyptian Culture.Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 1: 69 – 78.

22-  Rakhawy, Y.T., (1978) Psychiatry in Egypt Today. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  1: 13-23.(Editorial)

23- Gawad, M.S., Mahfouz, R., Howaidi, M. and  Rakhawy, Y.T., (1978) Diagnosis of Schizophrenia in Egypt:  A Within National Comparison. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  2: 100-113

24- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1979) Psychiatry in Egypt Today: Practice and Theory.  Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  2: 19 – 26.(Editorial)

25-  Rakhawy, Y.T. (1979) The Evolutionary Value of Tolerance of Depression in Modern Life.Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  2: 138 – 144.

26- Gawad, M.S., Shaalan, M,. Gaafar, I.M.A. and  Rakhawy, Y.T. (1979) M.M.P.I. (Short Form) Applied to Egyptian Diabetics.Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  2: 145 – 156.

27-  Rakhawy, Y.T., Fawzy, A.R., Hamdi, E. and Mahfouz, R. (1979) The Phenomenon of Dependency in Group Therapy.Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  2: 205 – 220.

28-  Rakhawy, Y.T. (1980) Revision of the Rationale of Long Term Drug Treatment in Psychiatry. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,   3: 8 – 12.(Editorial)

29- Rakhawy, Y.T., Gawad, M.S., Shaalan, M. and Mahfouz, R.  (1980) The Concept of Paranoid States and the Significance of Transient Disorganization During Special Management. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  3: 51 – 61.

30- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1980) Expansion of the Concept of ‘Medical Model’ in Psychiatry. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry 3: 138-142 (Editorial)

31- Rakhawy, Y.T., Fawzy, A.R., Arafa, M.& Mahfouz, R.  (1980) The Concept of “Affective Disorder” in the Current Nosological Discipline. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  3: 183 – 197.

32- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1981) Anxiety : Relation of Conceptualization to Therapy.  Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  4: 6 – 14.(Editorial)

33- Gawad, M.S., Rakhawy, Y.T., Mahfouz, R., Howaidi, M. (1981) Relative Symptom Importance in Diagnosis of Schizophrenia. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  4: 39 – 56.

34- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1981) Brain Organization and Brain Function (A Need for Semantic and Conceptual Revision). Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,   4: 151 – 152.(Editorial)

35- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1981) Religion and Mental Health (with Special Reference to Child Development). Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry:  4: 281-289.

36-  Rakhawy, Y.T.(1982)   Electro – Convulsive Therapy: A Synchronizing Remedy. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,   5: 17- 21.(Editorial)

37- Rakhawy, Y.T.(1982) Schizoaffective Disorder:An Exclusive Waste Basket or a Specific Cross Road Devolutionary Phase(A Psychopathogical Stand Point).Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,5:192-194

38- Hamdi, E., Mahfouz, R. Amin, Y. and  Rakhawy, Y.T.  (1982) Sleep Deprivation Therapy: A Part of an Integrated Plan in a Special ‘Milieu’. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,   5: 282 -293.

39- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1983) Activity – Establishedness Dimension. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,   6: 9 – 11.(Editorial)

40- Rakhawy, Y.T.,Mahfouz, R., Howaidi, M., Hamdi, E. and Amin, Y. (1983) Clinical Assessment of Ego Functions: Inter-rater Reliability.Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  6: 12 -42.

41- Rakhawy, Y.T., Amin, Y., Hamdi, E., Mahfouz, R., and Howaidi, M.  (1983) Thought Disorder in Schizophrenia: Relation to Activity and Temporal Dimensions.Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,   6: 59 – 75.

42- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1983) Instrumentation- Optimism – Frustration “Script in Psychiatric Research: the CT Scan”. The Latest Model. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  6: 171 – 173.(Editorial)

43- Rakhawy, Y.T., Mahfouz, R., El – Sherbini, O., Howaidi, M., Hamdi, E. and Amin, Y. (1983) Thought Disorder in Schizophrenia: Clinical Assessment. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,   6: 201 – 212.

44-  Rakhawy, Y.T. (1984) Active Therapy and Brain Organization. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  7: 13 – 15.(Editorial)

45- Hamdi, E., Amin, Y., Mahfouz, R., Arafa, O. and Rakhawy, Y.T.  (1984) Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale: Inter-rater Reliability. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  7: 56 – 70.

46- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1985) Biological Unfolding in Dream, Psychosis and / or Creation: A Unitary Hypothesis. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,   8: 8 – 11.(Editorial)

47-Rakhawy, Y.T., Arafa, M., Mahfouz, R., Hamdi., E., Amin, Y. and Dawoud, Fawzia (1985) Schizophrenia: Possible Characteristics of Affective Pattern.Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 8:41- 73

48-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1986) Restoring ‘Alternative Activation Tranquilization Rhythm’ in Psychiatric Therapy. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,   9:. 5 – 7.(Editorial)

49- Rakhawy, Y.T., Hamdi, E., Wadie, E., Mahfouz, R., Amin, Y. and Arafa, M. (1986) Clinical Occular Manifestation in Schizophrenia. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  9: 31 – 52.

50-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987) Psychic Phenomena and the Hazards of Translation . Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  10: 9-10.(Editorial)

51-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1988) Problem of Assessment of Volition (in Medicolegal Psychiatry). Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  11: 11- 16.(Editorial)

52- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1989) Organic – Functional Polarity: A Fading Illusion. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,   12: 7 – 11.(Editorial)

53- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1990) Drugs as Repatterning Organizer. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry,  13: 5-9.(Editorial)

54- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1990) Breakthrough the Current Psychiatric Nosology,  Part I: Prospects and Illusions. The Arab Journal of Psychiatry, 1 : 81 – 92. (Editorial)

55- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1990)  Breakthrough the Current Psychiatric Nosology,  Part II: Multidimentional Vis-a-Vis Multi Axial Approach in Psychiatric Nosology. The Arab Journal of Psychiatry, 2 (Editorial).

56- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1990)  Revision of the Use of the Term “Affective” in Psychiatric Practice and Research. The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 13: 135-139.

57- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1991)  Along the Schizophrenic Spectrum. “Dislodgement Disorganization- Deterioration Continuum”. The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 14: 4-11

58- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1992)  .Priorities and Cost- Benefit Approach to Psychiatric Research in Developing Countries: Is child abuse a relevant priority?. The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 15:  4-6

59- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1992) Levels  and Organizations  of Consciousness. The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 15: 148-150

60- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1993) Extended Concept of Perception. A Hypothesis Repairing  Misconceptions and  Misnomers Related  to  the Phenomenon. The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 16: 4-8.

61- Amani El Rashidi, M. Askar and  Azza El Bakry and Rakhawy, Y.T. (1993) Reactions of Psychiatric Patients to an Earthquake in Egypt. The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 16: 36-44

62- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1994) Psychopharmacology & Psychotherapy. The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 17: 4-5

63- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1994) Towards a Better Dialogue between Psychiatric Clinical Practice and Neuroscience Research Information. The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 17: 126-133.

Paper published in English:

64- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1995) Insights in the History and concept of Madness in Arabic (and Islamic) Language culture and Literature part I: Inspiration from Arabic Language. The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 18: 7 – 11.

65- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1995) Insights in the History and concept of Madness in Arabic History and Literature. Part II: Inspiration from proverbs, History and Literature, The Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 18: 149 – 151.

66- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1996) Recent Development in the uses and Abuses of Traditional Healing of Psychiatric Patients in Egypt and the Arab World The Egy tian Journal of psychiatry 19: 7-10.

67- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1997) Insights and Judgement  in Psychiatric practice. The Egyptian journal of psychiatry, 20: 7 – 10.

68- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1997) Terrorism and Identity Diffusion. The Egyptian Journal of psychiatry, 20: 187- 189.

69- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1998) Depression, Anhedonia and psychic pain. The Need for Identification before categorization. The Egyptian journal of psychiatry, 21: 7-10.

C- Papers Published in Arabic

1- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1975) Women Liberation, and Evolution of Man, a Biological Point of View.National Social Journal, vol.12, No.2-3.

2- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1980) ” God – Man – Evolution – God.  An Inevitable sequence”.  Man and Evolution Journal, 1 : 71-80.

3- Rakhawy, Y.T.. (1980)  “Artistic Productivity and Lithium Prophylaxis in Manic-Depressive Illness” by Mogens Schou.  Man and Evolution Journal,  2: 110-116. (Critical Re-interpretation).

4- Rakhawy, Y.T.  (1980) Abuse of Psychological Sciences .Man and Evolution Journal,  2 : 68-84.

5- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1980)  Courageous Confrontation of the Existential Crisis of “Al Emam Al Ghazali”  Man and Evolution Journal, 2 : 131-132.

6- Rakhawy, Y.T.  (1980) Aggression and Creation.  Man and Evolution Journal,   3: 49-81 [Original thesis about the positive aspect of of aggression and its role in profound creative  activity as a motive for a breakthrough  a reintegrative process. A comparison with sex instinct expressed in artistic creation through sublimation is also given]

7-Rakhawy, Y.T.(1980) Critical Interpretation of the ‘Evaluation of Patients Fitness for Psychotherapy’. By Sidney Plotus, translated by M. Arafa, Man and Evolution Journal, 3: 82-118.

8-Rakhawy, Y.T.(1980) In Researches on Childhood and Insanity : the observer is the tool  as well as part and parcel of the field of research. Man and Evolution Journal ,  4 : 26-45.

9- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1980) From “the Golded Cage” of Stevan Bendick .Man and Evolution Journal, 4: 81-90. (Critical Re-interpretation).

10- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1981) Psychotherapy of Psychotics. Man and Evolution Journal,  5 : 25-53.

11- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1981) Cases and Status: The Four Brothers : 1st part: The Background. Man and Evolution Journal, 5 : 68-81.

12- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1981) Literature: Criticism of Mohmoud Hanafy’s Novel: “An Empty Bag”. Man and Evolution Journal, 5: 82-101.

13- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1981) Critisim of Diwan Nashaat El- Massry  “A Promenade Among strands of Flames”. Man and Evolution Journal, 6 : 65-80.

14- Rakhawy, Y.T.(1981) Cases and Status: 2nd part: The case of “Zahran”,1. Man and Evolution Journal, 6 : 50-62.

15- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1981)Survival for the More Useful. Man and Evoultion  Journal, 7 :17-26.

16- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1981) From Sexuality to Aggressiveness by Salah Mokheimar.Man and Evoultion Journal., 7 : 58-63. (Critical Re- interpretation).

17- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1981) Cases and Status: 3rd part: Case of “Zahran”,2. Man and Evoultion  Journal, 7:64-77.

18- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1981) Oneness and Multiplicity of the Human Structure. Man and Evolution Journal, 8: 19-33.

19- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1981)  “Adieu Salah Abdel Sabour”. Man and Evolution Journal, 8 : 59-64

20- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1981) Cases and Status: 4th part: Case of “Zahran”,3. Man and Evoultion  Journal, 8:65-82.

21- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1982) Cases and Status: 5th part: Case of “Zaher”. Man and Evoultion  Journal, 9:31-39.

22- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1982)   “a- About Dialectic”   “b-With El Shaarawy.” Man and Evoultion  Journal, 9: 40-44. (Critical Re-interpretation).

23- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1982)  Quatrains and Quatrains Reading on “El Khayam, Sorour & Jaheen”. Comparative Study (Representing: Schizoid – Paranoid – Ambivalent & Depressive positions respectively)  Man and Evoultion  Journal, 9: 45-98.

24- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1982) Shock by Electricty or Rhythm Restoration. Man and Evoultion  Journal, 10 : 44-69.

25- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1982) Cases and Status: Re-evaluation. Man and Evoultion Journal, 10:  80.

26- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1982) Fyodor Dostoyvsky : the World of Childhood. Criticism and Inspiration Related to Developmental Psychology [from : Nitotishka Nazvanova & the Raw Youth] Man and Evolution Journal, 12: 71-137.

27-Rakhawy, Y.T.(1983) “Death .. Dream .. Vision” A study of Fathy Ghanem’s Novel “The Elephants”. Man and Evolution Journal, 15 :108-136

28-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1983) Criticism of Naguib Mahfouz’s series of “when I dreamt as dreamers do”  : Man and Evolution Journal, 16: 103-136.

29-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1983) The Problematicality of Psychological Sciences in Relation to Literal Criticism . Fusul ;Journal of Literary Critism, 4:  1: 35-57.

30-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1984) Pharmaceutical Interpretation of the Modern Psychiatric Theorization. Man and Evolution Journal,  17 : 18-40.

31-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1984) On Morals and Creation . Man and Evolution Journal,  17 : 59-63. (Critical Re-interpretation).

32-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1984) Criticism of: Naim Atiya’s “Another Night”  Man and Evolution Journal, 17 : 98-134.

33-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1984) The Essence of Affect and its Evolution. Man and Evoultion. Journal, 18: 108-150.

34-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1984) Relapse,Dropping of Ego States &Rebirth. (From Imroo El-Kaiss. from the pre – Islamic paganism era) Man and Evolution Journal, 19 : 93-97. (Critical Re-interpretation).

35-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1984) “Homicide, Between Stayings of Adorship and Blood” in the The Nights of Thousand Nights. Naguib Mahfouz’s Criticism  Man and Evolution Journal, 19 : 122-156.

36-Rakhawy, Y.T.(1984)The Finality of Philosophy and the Dialogue between Civilizations. Roger Guaroudi’s “The Promises of Islam”. Man and Evolution Journal, 20: 26-28. (Critical Re-interpretation).

37-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1984) A Proverb and a Ballad:  Knowing Psyche from People’s  Sayings. Man and Evoultion Journal, 21: 45-68.

38-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1985) “Words” of Sartre: The pictorial language and being unwanted. Man and Evolution Journal, 21: 138-141.

39-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1985)  On the Oppression (Depression) of Judge “El Gorgany”.  22 : 29-31. (Critical  Re-interpretation).

40-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1985) A Proverb and a Ballad: On Vileness. Man and Evolution  Journal,  22 : 104-112.

41-Rakhawy, Y.T. A Dialogue with El Samahi, M., Adel, I. (1985)  on Creative Attempts and the Tide of Defending Religion. Man and Evolution Journal, 22 :156-193.

42-Rakhawy, Y.T.(1985) From the Shaquronian’s “Orgozah” 18th Century… (poem in the meter rajaz) Yes, it is very old medicine… But.!! Man and Evolution Journal, 23: 81-88. (Critical Re- interpretation).

43-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1985) A Proverb and a Ballad: On “Deprivation; Satisfaction and Classes”. Man and Evolution  Journal,  23:114-121.

44-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1985) A Proverb and a Ballad:  Crossing Moral     Boundaries as it should be.Man and Evolution  Journal, 24: 64-67.

45-Rakhawy, Y.T.(1985) Biorhythm and the Pulse of Creation.Fusul; Journal of Literary Critism, 5: 67 -91.

   [A theory of dreams as the every day creative activity for normal individuals in every-day life in relation and parallel to  creativity  and psychotic unfolding].

46-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1985) A Proverb without a Ballad “Get away from Evil, and let it go”. Man and Evolution  Journal,  25 : 66-70. (comment on Harbi : An  interpretation).

47-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1986) Pychotherapy Now. Critial Re-interpretation of Avelin, M.(1984)  Lancet vol 11 856-)   Man and Evolution  Journal,  25: 71-75.

48-Rakhawy, Y.T. and  Ghoz, E.H.(1986) Transactional Analysis Theory (Introduction and partial modification). Man and Evolution Journal,  26: 13-38.

49-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1986)  A Writer’s Suicide. Man and Evolution  Journal,  26: 53-58.(Critical  Re-interpretation).

50-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1986) A Proverb and a Ballad: Other Views in Attraction, in Friendship and Seperation. Man and Evolution  Journal, 26: 78-85.

51-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1986) Who was Burned in Furnaces by the Nazi? Critical comment on a quotation from V. Frankle’s book: Man’s search for meaning (1963).Man and Evolution Journal, 27: 30-37.(Critical  Re-interpretation).

52-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1986) A Proverb and a Ballad: On the Game of Human Relations .  Man and Evolution  Journal,  27: 47-55.

53-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1986) A Proverb and a Ballad: The Reality’s Law from Coercion to Calculating and Learning. Man and Evolution Journal, 28: 102-113.

54-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1986) Search for Etiology Versus Emperical approach to Melancholia: From Ibn Sina. Man and Evolution  Journal,  28: 128-133.(Critical  Re-interpretation).

55-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1986) The Dialectics of Madness and Creativity : Fusul ;Journal of Literary Critism,  6 : 30-58.(The nature of creativity and the heirachical levels of dialectics along the shift from normality as a state to creative unfolding and vice versa)

56-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987) “Freedom: Philosophy in Action Facing State, Religion, Politics and University”.  Man and Evolution Journal, 29 : 30-41.(Critical  Re-interpretation).

57-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987) Cases and Status: The Four Brothers; Again from the Start. Man and Evolution Journal,  29 : 29-107.

58-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987) A Proverb and a Ballad: Proportion and Individual Variations (from folk proverbs). Man and Evolution  Journal, 29 : 115-124.

59-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987) Cases and Status: Between Hammer and Anvil. Man and Evolution  Journal,  30:  8-34.

60-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987) ” The permissiveness and tolerance of being different. [Philosophy in Action] Critical reading Osman Amin’s Internalism philosophy.(1964) Dar El-Kalam. Man and Evolution  Journal,  30:  40-44. (Critical  Re-interpretation).

61-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987) A Proverb and a Ballad:  A Song and a story : Four Folk Stories and an Illiterate Young Servant.Two-way interpretation.  Man  and  Evolution  Journal,  30: 91-143.

62-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987)  Either Creation Everywhere or Complete Dependency. Man and Evolution  Journal, 31:  59-64. (Critical Re- interpretation).

63-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987) A Proverb, a Ballad and a Folk story : a) Social contracting and Mass Cheeting b)Mutilation of ancient literature by denial and reductionism . Man and Evolution  Journal, 31: 65-75.

64-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987) Cases and Status: two Friends and two Friends. Man and Evolution  Journal, 31: 131-146.

65-Rakhawy, Y.T.(1987) Critical Evaluation of A Descriptive Study of Suicidal Attempts in Cairo.Man and Evolution Journal, 31:160-161

66-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987,1988) A Proverb and a Ballad: The Egyptian When Distressed and Sad. Man and Evolution  Journal,  32,33: 45-49.

67-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987,1988) Through and through  Islamic Mysticism (in the Courtyard of El-Neffary) Saying of the Unsayable I. Man and Evolution Journal,  32,33 : 58-62.

68-Rakhawy, Y.T.(1987, 1988)   Three aspects of sex in the novel  Purchase of Human Soul, By El-Mansi Kandil . Man and Evolution Journal,  32,33 : 98-126.

69-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987,1988) Scientific conferences: Science, Tourism or Mass Communication? Man and Evolution Journal, 32,33 : 163-166.

70-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987,1988) Cases & Status “Hend in the Cross Road of Diseases”. Man and Evolution  Journal,  32, 33 : 180-217.

71-Rakhawy, Y.T.(1987,1988) “Suicide” Meaning and Role. Man and Evolution  Journal,  32,33:  218-227.

72-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1987,1988) In the Court of El- Neffary. “Saying of the Unsayable”. Man and Evolution  Journal,  34,35 :  27-33.

73-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1988) About Evolution any Biology and Cosmic Memory From Dr. Schildrack Answers.  Man and Evolution  Journal,  34,35 :  34-36. (Critical Re-interpretation).

74-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1988) Cases and Status: Active Biological Depression: Sadness or Breaktrough Consciousness. Man and Evolution Journal, 34,35: 85-102.

75- Rakhawy, Y.T.(1988) “Guilt” A Signal of Fixation and Bad Prognosis. Man and Evolution Journal,  34,35: 103-117.

76- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1988) Texts: in the patient’s words: a Friend from “Farshoot”. Man and Evolution  Journal, 34,35: 118-119.

77-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1988) Problematicality of Time: Coment on Symposium about  time dimension. Man and Evolution  Journal, 34,35 :15-22.

78-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1990) Life Cycles  and the Delusion of Immortality:”Death and Self Creation in Mahfouz’s Al-Harafish”. Fusul; Journal of Literary Critism, 9:  1/2: 155-176.

79-Rakhawy, Y.T. (1990) Rakhawy’s Proverb Test.1991 Edit.

80-Rakhawy, Y.T (1993) Causality and Causes in Psychiatry. Man and Evolution Journal, 56: 134 – 148.

81-Rakhawy, Y.T (1994)The critical standpoint: An evolutionary view on the causes and nature of mental illness. Man and Evolution Journal, 58: 171 – 184.

82-Rakhawy, Y.T (1994) A Proverb and a Ballad Reatity relation through a study of proverbs in Egypt and Bahrain. Man and Erolution Journal, 57: 54 – 67.

83-Rakhawy, Y.T (1994) A Proverb and a Ballad Object relation through a study of proverbs in Egypt and Bahrain. Man and Erolution Journal, 58: 127 – 146.

84-Rakhawy, Y.T (1994) A border-line case “Course and followup-A psychological play (The fearful, the tranquil, the stubborn and the good guy ete..). Man and Erolution Journal, 58: 68 – 80.

85-Rakhawy, Y.T (1994) In the courtyard of El-Neffary (from the stand of; My time has come). Man and Evolution Journal,. 57: 14-21.

86-Rakhawy, Y.T (1994) Echoing of “Echoes of Autobiography” (Naguib Mahfouz). The intution of the word. Man and Evolution Journal, 58: 120 – 124.

87- Rakhawy, Y.T (1994) Prevention in Psychiatry. Man and Evolution Journal , 58: 125 – 138.

88- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1997) Recitals on زEchoes of Autobiography (Nagib Mahfouz) I . Man and Evolution Journal, 59: 111-150.

89- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1998) Recitals on زEchoes of Autobiography: (Nagib Nahfouz) II Man and Evolution Journal, 60: 139 – 171.

90- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1998) Recitals on زEchoes of Autobiography (Nagib Mahfouz) III Man and Evolution journal, 61: 137 – 161.

91- Rakhawy, Y. T. (1998) Recitals on زEchoes of Autobiographyس (Nagib Mahfouz) IV Man and Evolution Journal, 62: 143 – 171.

D- Scientific Conferences & Seminars *

1-First Arab Conference for Mental Health December 1970,Cairo,Egypt.

2- 2nd Arab Conference for Mental Health December 1975,Cairo,Egypt.

3-International Conference on Epilepsy, November 1976,Cairo Egypt.

4- First International Egyptian Congress on Psychiatry, December, 1978.

5-Anual Seminar of the National Research Center, February 1983, Cairo, Egypt.

6-First Symposium of the Franco-Egyptian Association, November  1985, Cairo, Egypt.

7-Second  International Egyptian Congress on Psychiatry , March 1986.

8- 3rd Arab Conference of Psychiatry, April  1987, Amman,  Jordan.

9- Cairo World Congress for Mental Health, 1987, Cairo, Egypt.

10- First Arab Congress on Facing the problem of Addiction,  December, 1988, Cairo, Egypt.

11- 4th Arab Conference of Psychiatry, 1989,  Sana’a, Yemen.

12-Second Symposium of the Franco-Egyptian Association, October 1989, Paris, France.

13-Second U.A.E. Psychiatric Conference, December: 1989-January1990, Abu Dhabi.

14-The International Symposium on Naguib Mahfouz’s and Arabic Novel, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, March 1990.

15-Fourth International Egyptian Congress on Psychiatry, April 1990,Cairo, Egypt.

16-Symposium on the role of psychologists in Egypt, Faculty of Arts, Cairo Universsity, June 1990,  Cairo, Egypt.

17- Conference of Psychological Medicine and Law: Symposium on Aggressivity and Delinquency. Society of Psychological Medicine and Law, May 1990, Alexandria, Egypt.

18- 5th Pan – Arab conference of psychiatry 1992 Cazablanka Al-Magrib.

19- Psychiatry and Low Symposium 1992 Al Taif. Saudi Arabia.

20- Symposium on addiction 1992 Geddah Saudi Arabia.

21-Congress Internationale de Neuropsychopharmacologium CINP XIX Washington D.C. 1994.

22- 6th Pan – Arab Confreence of Psychiatry 1994.

23- The Regional Conference of the Royal Callege of Physicians-Cairo 1994.

The first Egyptian International Conference

on Addiction and Drug Abuse 12 – 16 March 1996 Cairo

The Annual International Congress of the egyptian psychiatric association زFuture of psychiatryس March 18 – 20 1998 Cairo.

The First Egyptian International Congress on Psychiatric Education for the 21 st century september 2 – 4 1998 Cairo.

E- Theses

 M.D.Thesis of Rakhawy, Y.T.

   1- Rakhawy, Y.T. (1963) Psychometric Study of Certain Aspects of Behaviour in Psychiatric Patients . M.D. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

Theses Supervised by Prof. Dr. Rakhawy

2- Soliman, R. (1969) Psychiatric Aspects of Absenteeism in Industrial Society.

3- Soliman, Kawthar.(1974) Biochemical Studies on the End Products of Certain Neurotransmitters in Some Psychiatric Disorders.  M.D. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

4- El-Atroni, M.H.(1976)  Colon Neurosis Syndrome.  M.D. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, El-Mansoura University.

5- Ghoz, E. (1977) Group Psychotherapy: A Dynamic Study of an Egyptian Approach.  M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

6- Lotfy, Zeinab. (1977) Nurse’s Role in Determining Behavioural problems of Preschool children.  M.Sc. Thesis, High Institute of Nursing, Cairo University.

7- Amin, Yousria. (1978) A Study of Types of Schizophrenia.  M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

8- Howaidi, M. (1978) A Study of the Dynamics of Borderline Cases. Ph.D. Thesis, National Institue of Social & Criminological Research.

9- Hassib, M.(1979) Some Nosological Problems in Psychiatry in Egypt.  M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

10-  El Leithy, Wafaa (1980) Psychiatric Interview.  M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

11- Mahfouz, R. (1981) A Study of Ego Functions in Egyptian Schizophrenic Patients. M.D.Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

12- Hefzi, S.(1981) Sleep and Dream Disturbance in Psychiatric Disorders.  M.Sc.Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

13- Ghoz, E.H.(1981) Personality Structure in Various Psychiatric Disorders.  M.D. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

14- El Nahrawi, Nagat (1981) Clinical Study of Some Paranoid States Through Its Symptoms (An Explanatory Trail).  M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University.

15- El Rashidi, Amani (1982)  Perceptual Disorders in Psychiatric Illness. : M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

16- Arafa, M. (1982) Affective Phenomena in Schizophrenia.  M.D. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

17-Amin, Yousria (1982) Clinical and Psychometric Assessment of Disturbances of the Process and Content of Thought in Egyptian Schizophrenic Patients.  M.D.Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

18- Hatem, R.  (1985) History of Psychiatry.  M.Sc.Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

19- Sami, T.M.  (1985) Thought Content Disorders.  M.Sc.Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

20-Soliman, Hanaa (1985) Cerebral Laterality. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

21-Abdel-Wahab, Enayat (1986)The Effect of an Activity Therapy program for the Social Competence of Chronic Hospitalized Psychotic Patients. Ph.D. Thesis, High Institue of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

22-Dobee, A. (1986) A Study of Contempory Theories of Personality. M.Sc. Thesis, Banha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazeeg University.

23-Wadie, E. (1986) Clinical Ocular Manifestations in Psychiatric Disorders.   M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

24-El-Sheikh, M.(1986) Current Views about Electro-Convulsive Therapy. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazeeg University.

25- Ibrahim, N. (1987) Proverbs Interpretation in Psychiatric Patients. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

26- El Raii, Lamis (1988)  Phenomenological Dimensions of Depression.  M.D. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

27- Moussa, Soad (1988) Some Pathological and Psychopathological Aspects of Schizophrenia: Theortical Review.    M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

28- Salama, G. (1988) Neural Plasticity, M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

29- Sabri, Noha (1989) Concept of Organic Mental Disorder: Revision and Delineation. M.Sc.Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

30- El Bakry, Azza (1990)  Depressive and Aggressive Phenomena in Group Psychotherapy.  M.D.Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

31- Sami, T.M. (1990) Relation Between Premorbid State and Active Therapeutic Approach as well as Other Therapeutic Changes in Addiction.   M.D. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

32- El Nahrawi, Nagat (1990)  Dynamics of Change of Paranoid Cases During Psychotherapy.   Ph.D. Thesis,Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University.

33- Sabri, Noha (1996) symptoms, Ego Functions and possible syndrome shifts in group psychotherapy, MD. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, cairo university

34- Nasr, Mohaned (1997) Inpaired and Disorted Abstract Thinking in some Non – Psychotic psyciatric patients, M.S.C. Thesis, Faculty of medicine, cairo university.





Historically, in our Egyptian/Arabian culture we have nothing like curriculum vitae. This may be due to the fact that we are not used to tell about ourselves.What matters is what could  actually be  preserved by others or by time (history, if such judge could ever exist as objective as it should be).

It was not very astonishing to me to discover that until the age of fifty seven (by chance, today is my birthday, first of November), I was never obliged before to put it down, hence I have none ready on call.

This simple fact (having no ready C.V.) may be, in itself, a pointer towards my attitude in general as regards my profession and personal career. Whenever I am invited to participate in a conference or seminar and somebody introduces me by whatever he knows about my history or achievement, I feel some sort of depersonalization to a lesser or greater extent.

However, with the march of time and increasing respect to realistic obligations, I had to put down the previous pages written in the traditional way I have been informed about. After finishing the draft, I realized that this list gives the most heterogenous information about me. However, there was no way to retreat.  Such withdrawal may bear  some sort  of self-deception and implicit superiority (of course, that could mean its opposite). Moreover, it seems to me that if I refrain again, I am not doing harm only to myself but to my speciality and my point of view which I feel it is high time to be available to whom it may concern.

The possible compromise that came to my mind is to add this  addendum  hoping to introduce, as much as I can, my curriculum in a way I see significant in a through simple rearrangement of the already cited material. In so doing, I am trying to go in parallel  with the common language.

In a profession like mine, a true curriculum is but one’s  evolution as acted out in personal as well as intellectual and  professional fields. What actually matters is how one’s thoughts (and existence)  have been elaborated in a continuous interaction between oneself and his practice and research. This looks  far more important than counting how many papers have seen light in different languages for ambiguous reasons and sometimes ill-defined goals.

If this addendum is to fulfil exactly what is meant by its introduction, I should introduce myself in my own language Arabic. This is actually what has happened.I am now almost  translating.


To start with, I admit that I have actually failed to take my professional  practice as independent as they claim it should be, away from my personal stand in life. My scientific activities, then, have been  influenced by this continuous interaction, sometime interpenetration, between these two levels.The trial to delineate one from the other, as much as possible,  has always stimulated my search in revising whatever methodological approach that could reveal as valid and objective data as possible. It has always been  a personal challenge.

Trying all these modes  of expression over such an extended scale for that long period could be simply the  result of the personal impasse between the traditional scientific tools and the phenomenological mode of living and  handling available information.

II-Basic influences

I believe that my career, as a psychiatrist and research worker, has been influenced more by specific  factors that have  shaped the way of my conceptualization. As far as I could judge, such influences could be, in order, as follows:

1- Arabic language:

I am not sure how much my intimate relation to my  native language has been related to my father’s stand. He was not only a teacher of my classic language but essentially a lover. Moreover, the relation between Arabic language and Al-Islam is so intimate  I believe that their influences are inseparable. The language, as I have lived and referred to  (A/15 or C/55) is basically a biological structure that could influence the how of conceptualization. However my relation to the Egyptian colloquial language is not less intimate. I had my Divan Profoundness of the Self (A/11) in Egyptian colloquial language. I am almost sure that the special character, pulsation, holistic presentation, roots, tone, resonance  and mode of relating to objects, to each other that I have inspired from my language had and still have one of the most influential factors affecting my thinking in psychiatry. My patients become ill in Arabic and I have to live along with them with the same resonance and at the same level. I actually failed to put down my original ideas in psychiatry except in my own language and then,  may be able or not  to translate them (A/15 & C/55).





My relation to Al-Islam is not simply as a belief or as a practice of traditional praying or rituals. As a mode of living and as a stand in life three main aspects, related some way or another to Islam have been always colouring my mode of thinking in general and in  psychiatry in particular. These are the monotheism[‡], the fitra[§] and the beyond***

The hierarchy of the series of central ideas around the goal attracting teleological existence (A/12 & A/20) could be traced back to the essence of monotheism in Islam. This is also related to the phenomenological methodology I belong to.  Out of Al-fitra my relation to the bio-rhythm has been reinforced . The belief in the  beyond  has opened the way to every beyond  all through my practice and theorization. This has helped me to deal with objective facts as they are, not only as they are sensed or counted.

In actual practice, Islam in my childhood has also been presented through ‘Suphi’ (mystical) practice where I had the chance to participate with genuine as well as popular Suphi experiences, tales and festivals. My cousins had set up his special mosque for their father , my uncle,and constructed a special Suphi sector that belongs to the famous Al-Shathlia Tarika. I may trace my experience to take Suphi way of thinking as one of the most reliable objective way of cognition. I believe that this has been cultivated in my clinical practice and is very related to the phenomenological approach.

The direct influence of this tendency may be evident in critical  re-interpretations of many suphi quotations such as C/5 or  C/72 & 67 (some of Al-Neffari stayings).

3-The folk beliefs, sayings, stories and ballads:

Represent some basic source of information about what man could be. My relation to the mawwal  and haddota**** as naive as the old wise illiterates  in my village told them to me once and again during my early years, has been very dear. Also popular traditions and current popular proverbs has been always ready to recur once and again helping me to diagnose judge interpret and theorize whatever psychological phenomenon in health and disease.This has shown itself veryتearly in the study of defensive mechanism in colloquial proverbs and interpreting the song ” One Two Sarjee Marjee” (cited in A/5). It has also motivated all the series of ” Proverb and Ballad interpretations (to be found recurring  all through from C/37 to C/66).  This  has also been the basis of constructing the Egyptian Proverb tests with its hierarchical levels and multi-phasic approaches (D/78). An M.Sc. thesis has been constructed on the assumption that this test is quite differentiating and as efficient and this has been satisfactorily proved ( E/25).  [See also part  7 in this addendum]

4- The contact with a rhythmic environment:

Throughout my childhood and adolescence (and to a lesser extent till now) I have been living in a relatively bare environment where the contact with my biorhythmic natural surroundings is close and direct. Timing has been essentially structured according to the sunrise and sunset rather  than with this digital or that cycling instrument.This has been reinforced by the nature of praying in my religion where it is directly related to landmarks of the sunrise-sunset cycle. Even fasting Ramadan is not allowed unless one sees (by his own eyes) the birth of the crescent.

When I have met psychiatric illnesses pursuing that periodical courses (which is still more frequent in our culture as a result of less medications) I was ready to grasp the relation to the extent that  coloured  my subsequent thinking in terms of biorhythm almost all through my scientific creative and professional activities.(e.g. see  in A/20, B/48, C/24 &C/45 to C/78). The relation is difficult to prove, but is as difficult to disprove.

 5-The risky avoidant attitude:

With at least partial volition, I found myself taking certain decisions that helped me to develop this particular way of thinking (and being). I have been always aware that these attitudes are as negative as risky. However their influences have come out  with different bearings on my career. These attitudes  are:

a-The low enthusiasm to publish abroad at least part of my scientific activities and trials. I believe that this had given me a real chance to pursue my own way lest I should follow some apparently positive feed back and hence become obliged to show my thoughts in the very same language and method which  I do believe cannot help my real goals.

b-The insistence to write my own original ideas and theses in my own language (particularly my core  text on psychopathology (A/12) which has been simply the interpretation of my Divan “Secret of the Game” in Arabic (A/10).

c-The reluctant attitude to go abroad to participate in  the ten minutes  conferences without real dialogue or  scientific challenges

III-The actual march in various activities

It is rather difficult, in this context, to separate one special aspect from the other, but for the sake of classification I am going to introduce my steps in different domains under the following headings:

1-The concept of mental health:

Since my early days practicing psychiatry I started to notice that psychiatric illnesses are not limited to consulting population or even symptomatizing population. The first paper I have published was about “schizophrenia in every day life”. My thesis for the M.D. (E/1) has been inspired from this stand trying to uncover the latent schizophrenia in whatever diagnosis by certain provocative techniques (B/4 &B/5).

This stand has lead me to look profoundly in the problem of delineating health from disease in relation to psychiatry. The first trial has been established during my scientific mission in St Anne Hospital in Paris. My participation with Pierre Brunetti in interpreting the results obtained from a normal primary school population in mid-south France opened the discussion about possible leveling of mental health.

I have put down my first hierarchical approach of possible different modes of achieving harmony (health). This was also directly or indirectly influenced by my regular attendance to Henry Ey demonstrating his evolutionary approach to the psychology of consciousness inspiring Hughling Jackson. Ey’s comment on the draft of my paper has directed my attention to the unsuitability of the application of the hypothesis  to children. The modification to overcome this deficit was not sufficient.

In actual practice  after publishing the paper, the included hypotheses needed to be elaborated and modified according to the feedback. The hypothesis proved to be less dialectic or dynamic as to cover the clinical material presenting to  my consciousness. It seems that this has been a starting point for my thinking in terms of alternating pulsation of human existence. The main idea that remained vivid and became further incorporated into the next theses is that  the failure of a growth crisis to achieve its gaols could manifest itself in psychiatric disorder as much as it could end in some deficit disorder  (in A/6).

This early concept has been lately developed into the evolutionary rhythmic theory (A/20) which has the advantage of generality and being biologically based. Consequently the alternation of filling and unfolding have the basic idea integrating all my conceptualization in psychiatry, psychopathology I think it is (A/12) and related phenomena. Normality in the statistical meaning is then to be considered as a  state as well as a stage  along the everlasting pulsations of growth (B/55).

 However, the active/ established dimension suggested in the  nosological approachI tried to introduce, could be traced back to this early stand of leveling of mental health as well as the possible shift from one level to another (crisis / activity) and the possible hazardous outcome (B/39).

2- Nosology:

My approach to psychiatric nosology has been always influenced by the longitudinal evolution versus the transverse section description, the activity monitors versus the static outcome ..etc. This has never been an alternative to the current traditional nosological disciplines.

The wijdanic/non -wijdanic* and its oppsite )and the periodic/non periodic dimensions are especially relevant to the background I have just mentioned

Certain detailed stratifications and classifications have been put  relatively earlier e.g for depression B/25, anxiety B/32.  In my psychpathological text (A/12) in addition, mania has been differentiated into regressive and dissociative types, paranoid states into active and established. Lately (A/21) I have put a hypothesis  separating  schizophrenia into three separate disorders i.e. Kraepelin’s  disease Bleuler’s disease,  and Schneider’s disease and this hypothesis is now under verification through an M.D. thesis under my supervsion. The approach to personality disorder in terms of various ways to abort, evacuate or imprison growth pulsations stems also from this alternating growth pulsation concept (A/12).

Certain psychoses have recurred enough and were so  delineated and described as independent categories such obsessive compulsive psychosis, regressive psychosis, impulsive psychosis,  disorganization psychosis (periodic or non periodic) and dissociative psychosis (A/21).

3- In Psychopathology and related domains:

The main and central work all through my career is  my  interpretation of Divan the Secret of the Game in the text “Study in Psychopathology” (A/12). This was the bases of the school of psychology that has been called evolutionary rhythmic theory. This psychopatholgical approach originated from my clinical practice in a trial to interpret the march of my patient through one integrative approach.It is related to biological unfolding as well as to stages of object relation. This is of course going along with Hughling Jackson. and Ey hierarchical orientations.

The real innovation in this approach is the concept of both macrogeny and psychopathogeny as much as speaking of object relations in terms of periodical biologic sequences. Macrogeny   refers to unfolding in healthy growth crises while psychopathogeny refers to abortion or mutilation of the growth crisis (A/12)

I have to repeat here that the prodroma of these concepts could be traced back to the earlyتleveling of mental health with reference to the hazards of failure to achieve the higher level (through this new orientation, it is but the failure to achieve healthyتunfolding). Further elaborations have followed as a result of practical applications of the basic concepts of this theory in clinical practice. Some of such elaborations have been already published such as the different new dimensions (C/55) the leveling of consciousness  and suphi experience (A21) and the biorhythm and pulsations of creativity (C/45).  Also the biorhythmic activity participating  in the dialectic growth and creation was the basis of the paper on the dialectic of creation and psychosis (B/ 55). Out of the paper on biorhythm and creative pulsation the nature of dreams as the normal creative unfolding was discussed and this has opened the gate of reorientation of the concept of time in psychotic process and moments of qualitative shifts (C/77).

As has been mentioned before, reorientation of the stages of development in terms of object relation was reorganized in terms of unfolding of such modes of relating which is potentially inherited as a result of differential phylogenetic history. This has re-opened the files of inheritance of acquired habits. Special emphasis on imprinting as a process of lasting learning in vulnerable periods of growth was also added and related to moments of crises in  starting psychosis or starting recovery particularly in group or milieu therapy. Most such concepts have been referred to in simple short dialogue between a student and his teacher reviving an arabic tradition (A/14).

Tackling the problem of volition was mainly through profound discussion about the degree of free will modern man is able to  experience in health and disease. It was also tackled in relation to  multi-leveling of brain (Ego states) organization (C/18). As practical consequence, the problem of assessment of volition in medicolegal practices was also tackled (B/51).

 The defensive mechanisms were also handled quite early  in relation to the popular  Egyptian proverbs (A/5). This was further developed in a transcultural comparison with Bahranian proverbs (unpublished).

Thinking was handled, as a process and hierarchical discipline  more  than as problem solving. Emphasis was laid upon on how  the central goal-seeking  idea is responsible for healthy association and coherence. Other types of ideas  in relation to the goal-ideas were also described. The relation of such hierarchical discipline to abstraction was demonstrated and the constructed proverb test (C/79) is indirectly related to this reorientation about the process of thinking. However, loss or paralysis of the central idea has been demonstrated to underlie the schizophrenic formal thought disorder (A/12).

The contribution in the area of emotion has been multidimensional. The hypothesis put earlier was based on denying emotions as independent phenomenon at the summit of the hierarchy of  the individual’s evolution. The hierarchical march demonstrates how emotions start as the basic unspecific biological protoplasmic irritability up  to the presentation as part and parcel of the meaning in whatever language. Although the full theory has been put down quite early, only the first part was published (C/33). This concept could also be related to the nosological dimension  wijdanin/ non-wijdanic.

Being fully aware that  consciousness, as a concept and as a phenomenon, is getting more and more to be   denied, negated or neglected  by the majority of  psychiatrists and psychologists I have realized with my patients that this is not only wrong but also hazardous. In an earlier  insight (A/14) the author considered consciousness  as the vital matrix of mental life where other circumscribed discrete psychological  functions could find its place and activity . As this concept is put into test in my clinical practice  it has  proven to be a sort of  oversimplification. Later on, I realized that this concept rather  splits the complex vital organization into a figure and ground.

In a late stage I have re-tackled the problem inspiring both my patients and the suphi experiences, I have put some leveling around different axes to grasp the phenomenon in some practical way from different angles (A/21). I cannot exclude in this respect the influence of Henry Ey and his psychology of consciousness.

As regards the basic difference between sexes, the issue was handled by starting to delineate more and more the basic differences as a point of start. This, rather than claimed equality, is the essential channel for both sexes to pursue a converging course toward integration along the longitudinal axis of personal evolution (C/1). This is not very far from the individuation of Jung, but the point of view was based on biological assumption and coloured by cultural movement of  aborted pseudo-equality. Some analogous relations are described just as those known in other lower biological life such as synnecrosis, symbiosis, commensalism, parasitism and amensalism.

About the nature of creativity  my early work on aggression and creation (C/6) was more on aggression than  creation. However aggression was demonstrated in this thesis to underlie the so called genuine profound creation in comparison with sex motivated  artistic creation through sublimation. Then the phenomenon of creation was re-tackled through a biological approach as the positive integrative and productive unfolding. While dream phenomenon represent the daily creative activity for the ordinary man with no external creative product the extending unfolding , partially  volitional  unfolding with competent  creative tools are responsible for actual creativity. The third channel was shown to be the aborted or mutilated unfolding in psychosis.(C/45). This theses has been extended more in a following part  tackling the dialectic relation between psychosis and creativity (C/55). The nature of creativity is the third part of this series and is not yet published.

Moreover, most of my work in the field of literary criticism  have added some applied orientation about the phenomenon of creativity (e.g.C/31, 62 &78)

My series under the name “”status and states was a trial to put most such orientation in light through revival of the method of case report with full interpretation through such approach (C:11, 14, 17, 20, 21, 25, 57,59, 64, 70 and 74). The psychopathological aspect and structural organization have been demonstrated all through.


All such hypotheses, theses and theories were all the time questioned and checked as predominantly personal and surely  debatable  speculations. However, almost all of them  originate but from my clinical practice and are tested most of the time through myself and my patients simultaneously. I have discovered my belonging to the phenomenological method of research rather lately. My belonging to this method of research as the superior tool in researches in the field of psychotic and children was delineated in my early paper about the subject (C/8). In my study on the problematicality of the methodology of psychological sciences in relation to the literary criticism  (C/29) I  added my point of view that could be applied in psychiatric practice as well.

The  phenomenological way of research was deliberately applied in a good number of researches in group therapy which I do myself and the research worker records and witness and analyzed according to the working hypothesis under investigation. Most of these  works were  academic theses under my supervision (A/9, B/21/ & B/27, E/5.14.21 .30, and 32) .

Revival of the method of case report has been referred to just now. (A/9,  B/21, E/5, 14, 21, 30 &32)

My  essential research activity was through my personal experiential growth crises in confrontation with my psychotic patients particularly through group psychotherapy and prolonged follow up.

Some trial in the field of translating certain inventories (MMPI and Middle Sex questionnaire) and constructing another did not add valid convincing tool in the methodological field.

The main promising psychometric tool I have constructed with full awareness about the cultural background and language differences is the proverb test put in an ascending hierarchical discipline to test both abstract thinking (at different levels) and poverty of talk and thought in the same time (C/79). The preliminary application of this test (E/26) looks  promising.

5-In therapy

From the very beginning separation of what could be called psychotherapy from other therapeutic modalities was rather impossible. As most psychiatrists of my generation in Egypt we were inclined to some psychoanalytic concepts. Simultaneously we had to give full services to masses through drugs and physical treatment. My practice, as such , was challenging and enriching at the same time. Through this apparent contradiction I had the chance to try to interpret some, or even most of the therapeutic modalities through an integrative biological approach. This did not only put together apparently contradictory therapeutic procedures but also extended to deeper orientation of psychopathology related to the biorhythmic theory mentioned before.

The Electro-shock, for instance, was used as rhythm restoring therapy in the context of unfolding assimilation activity of brain pace setters (B/36 & C/24).  Lately I have been able to put a hypothesis for the mode of action of psychoactive drugs as repatterning organizers through selective inhibition of certain holistic level of brain organization (B/53).

This synthesis between profound psychotherapy and intensive physical and chemical handling was the inlet to my experience in group psychotherapy with all varieties of patients including psychotics. The experience of group therapy is worth mentioning as being of an independent march . Its influence on my career and activities in the last fifteen years is crucial.

After fifteen years of regular individual therapy which is predominantly psychoanalytically oriented and occasionally intensive therapy with few schizophrenics I started my group therapy activity. (A/9). All through the last fifteen years I have been practicing group therapy in two main centres with regular seminars and recorded post group discussions with both the trainees co-therapists and occasionally audience. Ultimately we can claim to have our own approach and characteristics. Our groups are almost  completely  heterogeneous (including psychotics) and culturally oriented with long term follow up.

The methodological challenge was most evident in this field. Many  researches were tried to study  the characteristic of the group, the structure of personality through this type of therapy, the alteration in the paranoid constitution and the positive aspects of both aggression and depression in group setting (see B.21, 27 and E/5, 14, 30 and 32)

Lately I am indulged in some relatively integrated experience in milieu therapy with very unique cultural fingerprints and it seems extremely promising. My work in this area is not yet published at a large scale.

Some different aspects of my therapeutic experience are already published ( B/21, 27, 29, 32, 36, 38, 44, 48, and C: 3, 7, 10, 47). Of course the real relevant therapeutic experience affecting my career is beyond the possibility of publication in written words by all means.

6- In reading and interpreting folk and traditional sayings:

This trend has appeared quite early in my study of mental mechanisms in Egyptian proverbs ( in A/5). It has been revived and organized in the series of ” proverb and ballad and short story (haddota)  (C/37, 40, 43, 46, 50, 52, 53, 58, 61, 63, 66) . A significant paper is that interpreting a particular haddota in different psychopathological way (C/61). Lately , an unpublished comparative study of Bahranian and Egyptian proverbs has been finished.

The above mentioned proverb test for thinking is also related to this area  (C/79).

7- In Novel  and short story writing:

This aspect of my production has never been a hobby or pastime activity. It started as an outlet when the traditional scientific methodology failed to express  what I have been experiencing with my patients. The trial started in Paris by direct presentation , in short story portraits, a series of cases to present varieties of   psychiatric patients fighting normal alienation by an aborted revolutionary move. (When man uncovers A/7). My only novel (Passing into fire A/8) was written in two volumes in a more sophisticated, less intellectualized way. The first volume, the dooms day  is about an existential impasse of one patient while  the second is a monologue of eleven members of some group  demonstrating different points of view. This work was appreciated by critics as pure piece of literary novel with no reference to its professional or scientific background or role. The novel deserved the national prize for  1980 as well as the order of state in science and arts, grade II.

My activity in the field of literary criticism seems much more integrative and significant.

8- In literary criticism :

Only quite recently (while introducing my interpretation of Mahfouz’s Harafeesh C/78 in the international symposium held by the faculty of arts, Cairo University  1990) I have realized that my work in this field represents the actual link between my experience as a psychiatrist and my attitude in creative critical readings. I discovered that I read my patients as  novels and simultaneously I live my readings as a participant. My critical interpretation of certain literary works is more or less like my phenomenological approach to study a patient. The psychopathological phenomenon could be uncovered equally on both sides.

This late orientation made me revise my stand against what is called psychological school of literary criticism. I used to refuse this trend (C/29) to warn against descriptive and reductionistic approach through invalid psychological (or psychoanalytic theories). I found that this is not absolutely true since what I reject is the possible illusion that psychopathology or psychoanalysis as a system or science has the ability or the right to judge the intuition of a creative. What is really possible and enriching is the mutual dialogue and interactions between the two systems of knowledge.

Along the path of growth it became evident that the sequence of my activity in this field demonstrated one aspect of my personal evolution which was also parallel to other domains including my career and knowledge. Revising my earlier studies in this field (in A/5) one can notice a very superficial, rather mutilating study of the Stupid of F. Ghanem, a diagnostic trend in the critic of the Beggar of Mahfouz and a little bit more holistic description of traits of Jaheen out of his quatrains. At a later stage revision  yielded to deny the first work all together, to re-interpret the second and to reintegrate the third in a more profound comparative study with other quatrains (of N. Sorour and Al Khayam (C/23).

The elaborated works in this field could be represented as follows:

In the field of criticism of poetry the most important work is that of the comparative study of the above mentioned quatrains (C/23). This has followed a preliminary trial in critical reading of Divan Promenade Among Strands of Flame (C/13).

My criticism of novels and collections of short stories is much more near to the phenomenological approach practiced in clinical field as just mentioned.(e.g. C/ 28, 35, 67 & 77).

The works of N. Mahfouz and F.  Dostoevski   have definite priority in my critical work. My studies of some of the production of the former was lately collected in a recent publication (A/24). As to the latter, the only published study was some reorienation about the psychology of childhood through his stories Nitotishka Nezvanofna and the Raw Youth (C/26)

However, some more relevant and significant studies have been introduced in the monthly symposia of the evolutionary psychiatric association.  (The idot, the Village of Stepanchicovo and its Inhabitants, and the Humiliated). They are not yet published.

Other,as significant and relevant studies, are also not published such as a collection of stories by Y. Idrees,the Railway by Al-Kharrat,two collections of short stories by Al – Makhzangi and a study on One Hundred years of Isolation of Garthia with special reference to certain comparison with   Mahfouz’s Harafeesh.All such studies are to be considered as possibly adding some orientation to certain aspects&levels of psychopathology.

9- Poetry:

My limited production in poetry represents another trial to get out of the impasse of inability to express and communicate through other availabe tools. The redundancy of common language on one side and the imprisonment and suffocation in the traditional methodology on the other side made me search for some condensed objective and penetrating mode of expression. Hence comes poetry.

The state of poetry started when I took the  challenge to prove how much Arabic language can cope with conveying psychopathological information not only in current language but also in poetry. This was some sort of revival of an old arabic tradition writing Arabic Grammer in Rajaz (Al-Alphiah). This is how my first Divan ” the secret of the game” came out. Like my novel, Passing into Fire,  it was accepted by critics as pure poetry. Our great poet Abdul-Sabour denied the scientific basis underlying this  Divan as he was discussing it with me in a broadcasted symposium. Once again, I accepted to continue reviving another Arabic tradition to write down an explanation or interpretation on the text. As such my main and central study on psychopathology (A/12) came out.

My next Divan was in colloquial Egyptian language and is also directly related to criticism of both individual and group therapy experience. The interpretation was presented as an addendum with the very text (A/11).

Then follows other poetry production in three other works. The first  (the Glass House and the Snake was published (A/18) and the other two are not yet published (Strands of the Dark and the Flame & the Supplies of the Holy Chiefs)

 10- Autobiography and journey literature:

In our country, as mentioned at the outset, it is rather impossible to write down one’s autobiography as genuine as it should be. My work “A psychiatrist Dilemma “(A/6) is  just one limited aspect of my biography as a psychiatrist for a short  period of my early practice. However it included the prodroma of my turning point and new stand towards my profession.

The journey literature called “Poeple and Road” (A/23)  has a subtitle that indicates the dose of autobiography. It reads ” the in and out trip” referring to some successive circumstantial flash-backs  uncovering a good area of my autobiography.


One can notice that it is rather impossible to include under the previous headings all the significant studies or theses. I believe that going back to the list is not enough with referring to certain aspects which has special relevance in my career. The most important example is my work called ” the Wisdom of  Mads (A/13). Its subtitle missiles from a psychiatric outpatient  refers to its rapid condensed  sudden and penetrating presentations. It could be parallel to works like

The Prophet of G. K. Gubran. I believe that if there is  a chance for writing an interpretation or an explanation for this text, an integrated portrait may be able to join all my works together  fulfilling some integrative portrait.

 *Also attended demonstration of Child psychiatry management with Prof Lebovici and Diatkine, Social Psychiatry – Ministry of social affairs, with P. Brunetti and assisted in Seminars & Clinical rounds with J. Delay, H. Ey at Sainte Anne Hospital & attended less frequently with Lacan at the same hospital.

** My creative activities in the field of poetry, novel writing and literary criticism are not included under hobbies sine they are considered as part and parcel of my scientific and professional career (see later).

* التوحيد

[§]  الفطرة

*** الغيب

**** The translation of these two words into ballad and short story is no exact.

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